I started my week with a meeting with Visually
Impaired People of Newham (VIPON) steering group. We discussed future meetings (which
are held the third Wednesday of every month), potential outings in the future
and volunteers. It was a really good meeting and I think we managed to get a
lot of details ironed out for the future of the group. The following day I had a catch up with Masuma,
who I would like to congratulate on her new job title of ‘Operations Manager’
which will involve a lot more of the day – to – day running of ELVis and some
strategic elements as well.
This week I also viewed a potential venue to
hold ELVis’ 2nd birthday (October 15th). I’m afraid I
can’t give away any more details than this at the moment as it is currently
just a mix of ideas floating round in my head that I’m trying to nail down and
confirm. After viewing the mysterious venue I went on to a Beyond Barriers
members meeting, which unfortunately I had to leave early as I was unwell.
However, luckily I remembered to put my £1 in for the raffle and I won!!
Despite me being unwell for half the week the
rest of the team has been very busy indeed getting up to.....
- Updating each of the 7 borough's Vision Strategy Action Plans with strategic aims clearly identified , so that on going and future priorities can be easily targeted
- Organising the continuation of the ActivEyes Redbrdige tennis sessions
- Finalising the speaker for the local society and sensory team quarterly meeting
- Keeping the website and social media channels up to date
- Planning future events within the East London boroughs including multi-sports and art and cooking classes
- Finalising details with the Challenge Network, who are lucky enough to be working with us this year across the region.
For anyone who
would like any more information on ELVis and what we are up to check out our
Website, Facebook and Twitter where we share information giving updates of our
work and on the events that are happening across the boroughs.
Twitter: www.twitter.com/ELVis_Vision.